Chronic Toxicity Test with Chironomids

Chronic Toxicity Test with Chironomids

Test organism

  • Harlequin Fly (Chironomus riparius)

Test principle

  • In this test, the effect of chemicals and sediment samples on chironomid development and mortality is investigated.
  • The animals are exposed to the samples for a period of 7 (AFNOR, 2004) or 10 (OECD, 2023 a,b) days for the growth test and for a period of 28 days for the emergence test (OECD, 2023 a,b).
  • A whole life cycle toxicity test for spiked sediment (or water) at two concentrations is also available (OECD, 2010).

Analysed parameters

  • Larval growth (length or weight)
  • Mortality
  • Emergence of the midges and sex ratio
  • Reproduction (number and fertility of eggs)

Test duration

  • 7/10 days or 28 days (twice as long for a 2-generation test)


  • Important to determine the sediment toxicity
  • Benthic invertebrate, occurs in rivers and standing water bodies
  • Dominant primary consumer and important prey organism

Guidelines and literature

  1. AFNOR XP T90-339-1 (2004). Qualité de l’eau. Détermination de la toxicité des sédiments d’eau douce vis-à-vis de Chironomus riparius. Partie 1 : Sédiments naturels
  2. OECD (2023a). Guideline for testing of chemicals 218: Sediment-water chironomid toxicity test using spiked sediment.
  3. OECD (2023b). Guideline for testing of chemicals 219: Sediment-water chironomid toxicity test using spiked water.
  4. OECD (2010). Guideline for testing of chemicals 233: Sediment-Water Chironomid Life-Cycle Toxicity Test Using Spiked Water or Spiked Sediment.
  5. ASTM (1994). Standard Guide for Conducting Sediment Toxicity Tests with Freshwater Invertebrates.
  6. Environnement Canada, 1997. Méthode d’essai biologique: essai de survie et de croissance des larves dulcicoles de chironomes (Chironomus tentans ou Chironomus riparius) dans les sédiments.