Networks and Working Groups

The Ecotox Centre staff bring their expertise into various committees and thus contribute to knowledge transfer.

Network/Working Group


Accompanying group: Prioritisation of measures to reduce the input of tire abrasion into surface waters Alexandra Kroll
ASTM E50.47: Subcommittee on biological effects and environmental fate Cornelia Kienle
BAFU, Working Group Application Soil Mathieu Renaud
CEN/TC 351/WG1 - Working group: Release from construction products into soil, ground water and surface water Etienne Vermeirssen
CIPEL Commission internationale pour la protection des eaux du Léman, Scientific Advisory Board Benoit Ferrari
DIN NA 119-01-03-05-01 WG Bioassays Cornelia Kienle
DIN NA 119-01-03-05-09  WG "Hormonal Effects/Xenohormones" Etienne Vermeirssen
DIN, NA 119-01-03-05-12 WG "Key ecotoxicity testing issues" Etienne Vermeirssen
EU Cost Action Pariamar Marion Junghans
EU Multilateral Group of national risk assessors Marion Junghans
EU Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy – Working Group  Chemicals Marion Junghans
EU WFD Working Group Chemicals, Subgroup Priority Substances Mairon Junghans,
Alexandra Kroll
Federal Office for the Environment, Steering Committee Water Assessment  Etienne Vermeirssen
gaiac Forschungsinstitut für Ökosystemanalyse und -bewertung, Science Advisory Panel Etienne Vermeirssen
Groupe technique (GT) Bioessais Cornelia Kienle
ISO/TC 147/SC 5 - Biological Methods WG 2: Toxicity to invertebrates Cornelia Kienle
ISO/TC 147/SC 5 - Biological Methods WG 3: Toxicity to fishes Cornelia Kienle
ISO/TC 147/SC 5 - Biological Methods WG 5: Toxicity - Algae and aquatic plants Cornelia Kienle
ISO/TC 190/SC4/WG2 Effects on soil fauna Benoit Ferrari,
Mathieu Renaud
Modular Stepwise Procedure, Accompanying group micropollutants Marion Junghans
Network of reference laboratories for monitoring of emerging environmental pollutants (NORMAN), Working Group 1: Ecotox Database Marion Junghans
NORMAN, Working Group 2: Bioassays and biomarkers in water quality monitoring Etienne Vermeirssen
NORMAN, Working Group 7: Soil and terrestrial environment Gilda Dell'Ambrogio
NORMAN, Cross-working group activity: Passive sampling for emerging pollutants Etienne Vermeirssen
SedNet, European Sediment Network, Steering Committee Carmen Casado-Martinez, Benoit Ferrari
SedNet Working Group on Sediment Quality Carmen Casado-Martinez
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), German Language Branch, Steering Committee Marion Junghans
SETAC Europe Awards Committee Carmen Casado-Martinez
Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology (SCAHT), Foundation Council Benoit Ferrari
Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology, Steering Committee Benoit Ferrari
Swiss Standards Association, Standards committee 107 (Water quality) Cornelia Kienle (chair),
Etienne Vermeirssen
SNV INB/NK 2345 "Sludge - Organic waste - Characterisation of soils and soil improvers" Mathieu Renaud
VSA Expert Group "Ozonation and Industrial Dischargers" Cornelia Kienle
Water Chemistry Society - Expert Committee "Ecotoxicological Effects" Cornelia Kienle