
Dr. Benoît Ferrari
Director, Group Leader Sediment and Soil Ecotox.
Send mailTel. +41 (0) 21 693 7445 / +41 (0) 58 765 5373 GR B0 392, FX E15.1

Dr. Etienne Vermeirssen
Deputy Director, Group Leader Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Send mailTel. +41 58 765 5295 FX E25

Dr. Rébecca Beauvais
Sediment Ecotoxicology, Scientist
Send mailTel. +41 21 693 08 96 GR B0 420, Lausanne

Dr. Carmen Casado-Martinez
Sediment Ecotoxicology, Scientist
Send mailTel. +41 58 765 5747 GR B0 391, Lausanne

Dr. Breanne Holmes
Evaluation des risques, Scientifique
Send mailTel. +41 58 765 5206 GR B0 391, Lausanne

Océane Lafargue
Sediment Ecotoxicology, Scientific assistant
Send mailTel. +41 21 693 08 96 GR B0 391, Lausanne

Louveline Lépeule
Soil Ecotoxicology, Scientific Assistant
Send mailTel. +41 58 765 6869 GR B0 391, Lausanne

Emmanuelle Rohrbach
Soil and Sediment Ecotoxicology, Technician
Send mailTel. +41 21 693 5709 GR B0 420, Lausanne

Régis Vivien
Sediment Ecotoxicology, Specialist in ecology and systematics
Send mailTel. +41 21 693 2723 GR B0 420, Lausanne

Renée Wouters
Soil Ecotoxicology, Scientific Assistent
Send mailTel. +41 58 765 5297 GR B0 391, Lausanne