25. April 2019, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology Soil Ecotoxicology Sediment Ecotoxicology Risk Assessment
Two new faces at the Ecotox Centre
We welcome our new colleagues Anne-Sophie Voisin and Alexandra Kroll!
In March 2019, Anne-Sophie Voisin has joined the bioassay team in the field of aquatic ecotoxicology. Her work focuses on the development and use of molecular biomarkers to routinely monitor water quality. She works closely with Prof. Kristin Schirmer from Eawag's Department of Environmental Toxicology and Prof. Helmut Segner from the University of Bern. Anne-Sophie studied biology at the University of Namur in Belgium, where she subsequently completed her doctorate on the molecular modes of action of endocrine disruptors in fish.
Since April 2019 Alexandra Kroll has been working at the Ecotoxic Centre in the field of risk assessment. Alexandra studied biology and environmental sciences in Heidelberg and Landau (D) and did her doctorate at the University of Münster on the influence of nanoparticles on human cells. She then worked at Eawag as a postdoctoral fellow and SNF Ambizione Fellow investigating surface water biofilms and the effect of nanoparticles and pesticides. Subsequently, she completed her expertise in the authorisation and risk assessment of pesticides at a consulting firm.