
23. May 2013, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

New info sheets on radionuclides and fracking

The Ecotox Centre has prepared two new info sheets on current topics. The info sheet on hydraulic fracturing (fracking) reviews the current state of scientific knowledge and describes potential impacts on groundwater and surface waters. The other factsheet provides information on the fate of radionuclides in ecosystems and their effects on organisms.

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20. May 2013, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Ecotox Centre informs council of states committee

Ecotox Centre informs council of states committee

When the Council of States Committee for Science, Education and Culture CSEC visited Eawag, Etienne Vermeirssen presented the Ecotox Centre's work.

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15. May 2013, Topic: Sediment Ecotoxicology

Ecotox Centre member of SedNet steering group

SedNet is a European network aimed at incorporating sediment issues and knowledge into European strategies to support the achievement of a good environmental status and to develop new tools for sediment management.

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01. January 2013, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Inge Werner new president of SETAC GLB

Inge Werner new president of SETAC GLB

Inge Werner, Head of the Ecotox Centre, is the new president of the German Language Branch of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC GLB), the regional SETAC branch that represents the society's interests in the German-speaking countries and that organizes one scientific conference per year.

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26. November 2012, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Ecotox Centre suggests quality criteria for pesticides

Ecotox Centre suggests quality criteria for pesticides

On our homepage we list our quality criteria suggestions for numerous organic compounds: Now also values for eight pesticides (biocides and plant protection products) are included.

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23. July 2012, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology

New info sheets on endocrine disruptors, sediment toxicology and nanotoxicology

The Ecotox Centre has prepared new info sheets on "Endocrine Disruptors in the Environment", "Sediment Ecotoxicity" and "Ecotoxicology of Nanloparticles".

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06. June 2012, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology

Ecotoxicology for schools

Ecotoxicology for schools

Yesterday, the Ecotox Centre's laboratory in Lausanne opened its doors to numerous school classes and gave them some insight into the field of ecotoxicology.

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31. January 2012, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

EU proposes EQS for new priority substances – Ecotox Centre contributed

Die EU Kommission schlägt 15 neue prioritäre Substanzen vor, die in Zukunft in EU-Oberflächengewässern unter der Wasserrahmenrichtlinie überwacht und kontrolliert werden sollen. An der Erarbeitung der neuen EU-Grenzwerte für diese Substanzen war auch das Oekotoxzentrum beteiligt.

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03. November 2011, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Ecotox Centre at TecDay in Frauenfeld

Ecotox Centre at TecDay in Frauenfeld

What are environmental hormones? How can they be deteced? The Ecotox Centre answered these and other questions to pupils of the Kantonsschule Frauenfeld at the TecDay on November 3, 2011.

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29. September 2011, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology

Course "Micropollutants in surface waters with a focus on hormonally active substances" (in German)

The course gives a theoretical general introduction into the problem of micropollutants, especially hormonally active substances, in rivers and lakes.

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