25. January 2024, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology

Threshold values for anticoagulants in the liver of birds of prey
With these values, the Ecotox Centre wants to find out whether further measures are necessary to better protect birds of prey from rodent poisons.
Read more30. November 2023, Topic: Risk Assessment , Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology

European EQS experts meet at the Ecotox Centre
The quality criteria experts from numerous European countries met at the Ecotox Centre for their first face-to-face meeting since the coronavirus pandemic.
Read more23. November 2023, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Biotopes of national importance are also contaminated with plant protection products
The investigation of nine amphibian spawning grounds and three fens has shown that these biotopes of national importance are contaminated with numerous plant protection products. Insecticides from the pyrethroid group in particular exceeded the legal limits and chronic quality criteria, in some cases many fold.
Read more22. November 2023, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Database with quality criteria and other ecotoxicological threshold values
The Ecotox Centre maintains a database of environmental quality criteria (EQC) and other ecotoxicological threshold values, which currently contains over 2000 entries on almost 600 substances.
Read more17. November 2023, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology

Assessment of the water quality of the Vuachère in Lausanne
Numerous micropollutants have been detected in the Vuachère, some of which originate from the discharge of untreated wastewater. These substances, such as the pharmaceutical ibuprofen, the herbicide diuron and the insecticides diazinon, fipronil, chlorpyriphos and fenpropathrin, pose ecotoxicological risks.
Read more10. November 2023, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology

Bait lamina assay helps measuring soil fertility
The bait lamina assay is suitable for investigating how plant protection products influence the feeding activity of soil organisms and the decomposition of organic matter. This decomposition is important for soil fertility.
Read more16. October 2023, Topic: Soil Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Ecotox Centre webinar on the new EU Soil Directive, 14 November 2023, 16:00-17:00
The Ecotox Centre invites you to a webinar with Dr Annegret Biegler-Engler (Federal Environment Agency Germany) on Tuesday, 14 November 2023 at 4pm on "The EU Directive on Soil Monitoring and Resilience".
Read more08. September 2023, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Eva Lauber and Fabian Balk reinforce risk assessment
We are looking forward to collaborate with our new colleagues.
Read more06. September 2023, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology , Soil Ecotoxicology , Sediment Ecotoxicology , Risk Assessment

Dialogue Day 2023 in Solothurn
At the Dialogue Day, around 60 participants learned more about current projects in applied ecotoxicology, exchanged ideas and expressed their needs.
Read more22. August 2023, Topic: Aquatic Ecotoxicology

Ecotox Centre at Theaterspektakel
On Thursday, 24 August at 5 p.m., Cornelia Kienle from the Oekotoxzentrum will enter into dialogue with artists to question the traditional hierarchies in forms of knowledge and thinking.
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